Monday, October 31, 2016

LC does Your HOST

WOAH! We've all wondered it. Who is this Ric fellow that keep harassing everyone? Well today we get to the bottom of it. Canon (from ALL THINGS POPPED) interviews Ric (host of this podcast) about who he is, what he's been up to, how things are going with the podcast, and what he plans to do moving forward. I learned a lot, and boy oh boy you shall as well. To learn more about this show and others on the network be sure to head over to OH and guess what, we are sponsored by Raleighwood Cinema Grill this week. They have an upcoming horror zombie movie coming out Nov. 1 called Grave Walkers (filmed in Raleigh) and have the exclusive screening. Get a chance to win prizes and meet the actors and director for only the price of an admission ticket! $10 at the door or online, and dress up like a zombie to compete, learn all about it at and I'll see you there. Lets get drunk together people!

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